journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems.

Mathematical Approach for the Design Configuration of Magnetic System with Multiple Electromagnets

  • EMA
  • Modeling
  • Optimization

Development of a mathematical approach for configuration design of magnetic platform.

Q1 IF: 3.7

Ruipeng Chen

Antoine Ferreira



Magnetic actuation techniques and microrobots have attracted great interest since they have potential in biomedicine applications. Interventional techniques have emerged as a tool to handle a wide range of minimally invasive surgeries (MIS). However, current MIS procedures are constrained by the limitation of manual operation by surgeon. Thus, various microrobotic solutions including magnetic navigation systems have been proposed for MIS, which carries many potential benefits such as reduced incision, less intraoperative hemorrhaging and postoperative pain, and faster recovery time. In recent decades, many electromagnetic actuation (EMA) systems have been reported and involved to general surgery. The EMA system allows to generate efficiently magnetic source for microrobot control when its specifications are further investigated and satisfied for the desired application. To precisely manipulate the biomedical microrobot, a key issue still relies on the design of a suitable EMA platform. In this paper, we demonstrate a mathematical approach for the design configuration of magnetic system with multiple electromagnets. Especially, the required magnetic coil number has been investigated where the heading motion control, magnetic force control and their combination control are discussed respectively. The singular cases of control are pre-evaluated by a mathematical analysis of the simulated electromagnetic field. In addition, the placed positions and tilted orientations of the applied electromagnets are investigated for the optimization regarding the six typical configurations of EMA platform with 4, 6 and 8 coils. The various configurations of EMA systems have been comprehensively analyzed. Therefore, with the number of electromagnets and their optimal configuration obtained by the proposed approach, the EMA system can be initially established.

Keywords: Design methodology, Electromagnetic actuation system, Magnetic microrobot, Robotic magnetic platform


The funding scheme is Chinese Scholarship Council.



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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Chen, Ruipeng and Folio, David and Ferreira, Antoine},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  title = {Mathematical {Approach} for the {Design} {Configuration} of
    {Magnetic} {System} with {Multiple} {Electromagnets}},
  journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
  volume = {135},
  date = {2021-01-01},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1016/j.robot.2020.103674},
  issn = {0921-8890},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {Magnetic actuation techniques and microrobots have
    attracted great interest since they have potential in biomedicine
    applications. Interventional techniques have emerged as a tool to
    handle a wide range of minimally invasive surgeries (MIS). However,
    current MIS procedures are constrained by the limitation of manual
    operation by surgeon. Thus, various microrobotic solutions including
    magnetic navigation systems have been proposed for MIS, which
    carries many potential benefits such as reduced incision, less
    intraoperative hemorrhaging and postoperative pain, and faster
    recovery time. In recent decades, many electromagnetic actuation
    (EMA) systems have been reported and involved to general surgery.
    The EMA system allows to generate efficiently magnetic source for
    microrobot control when its specifications are further investigated
    and satisfied for the desired application. To precisely manipulate
    the biomedical microrobot, a key issue still relies on the design of
    a suitable EMA platform. In this paper, we demonstrate a
    mathematical approach for the design configuration of magnetic
    system with multiple electromagnets. Especially, the required
    magnetic coil number has been investigated where the heading motion
    control, magnetic force control and their combination control are
    discussed respectively. The singular cases of control are
    pre-evaluated by a mathematical analysis of the simulated
    electromagnetic field. In addition, the placed positions and tilted
    orientations of the applied electromagnets are investigated for the
    optimization regarding the six typical configurations of EMA
    platform with 4, 6 and 8 coils. The various configurations of EMA
    systems have been comprehensively analyzed. Therefore, with the
    number of electromagnets and their optimal configuration obtained by
    the proposed approach, the EMA system can be initially established.}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Chen R., Folio D., and Ferreira A., “Mathematical Approach for the Design Configuration of Magnetic System with Multiple Electromagnets,” Robot. and Auton. Syst., vol. 135, January 2021. [Online]. Available: