When dealing with Jekyll template and use of Liquid language one may take care when assign variables, especially with several includes. Indeed, variables defined in a template (e.g. in _includes
) remain defined in the parent scope. Let consider the following basic snippet code:
{% raw %}{% include templateA %}
... some stuffs...
{% include templateB %}
... other things...
use {{item}}{% endraw %}
with in templateA
{% raw %}
{% assign item='foo'%}
{% endraw %}
and templateB
{% raw %}
{% assign item='boo'%}
{% endraw %}
should output use boo
This seems obvious, but in some advanced template design this must be kept in mind!
Let consider a slightly better example:
{% raw %}
{%assign collection=page.collection%}
{%assign collection_list=site.collections| where: "label", collection %}
{%for item in collection_list %}
{% assign title=item.title%}
{% include do-something %}
Use title: {{title}}
{%enfor %}
{% endraw %}
{% raw %}
{% assign title=page.title%}
{%for item in others %}
Another use of title: {{title}}
{%enfor %}
{% endraw %}
Secondly, one should take care when using forloop variables: its seems that we should avoid reassign them…