Quarto IEEE template update [v1.1.0]

  • article
  • quarto
quarto-ieee now supports both PDF and HTML outputs

PDF output improvements

In this new release, quarto-ieee template has improved the support of the IEEEtran.cls document class commands for the PDF output. In particular, the IEEEbiography and IEEEbiographynophoto IEEEtran.cls environment is now supported. But, it is better to use the photo and bio in the author metadata in the YAML front matter. In this way the IEEEbiography is generated automatically.

Additionally, quarto-ieee template now supports the mhchem (for chemical equation) and physics (for flexible macros for typesetting equations) LaTeX packages.

See below an example of the PDF output:


quarto-ieee use a hack to handle the longtable issue with 2-column LaTeX documents. In some cases, a page overflow may occur.

HTML output support

In addition, now, the HTML output is supported. In particular, quarto-ieee tries to mimic as closely as possible the article layout seen on IEEEXplore®.
Most commands from IEEEtran.cls document class are supported. However, some features are not (currently) supported:

  • The default Quarto toc is used, so the display is not the same as on IEEEXplore®.
  • Footnote are put at the end of document, while on IEEEXplore® there are placed in the accordion.
  • Figures are not placed in the accordion.
  • IEEEXplore® specifics (e.g. citation metrics, etc.)
  • The HTML output is a Quarto citeable article, so a citation appendix is automatically added to the article end.

See below an example of the HTML output:


If you want to improve the quarto-ieee template do not hesitate to submit Pull Request (PR) (it is considered good practice to open an issue for discussion before working on a pull request for a new feature).


It is my hope that [quarto-ieee] will prove useful in the creation of your own IEEE article. Should this be the case, I would be grateful if you would share your feedback in the comments section below.