Research activities

An overview of the career of D. Folio that sets the background in which its research works was carried out.

Further details about me:

Researches as Associate Professor

In 2008, I was recruited as Associate Professor at the Graduate Engineering School (ENSI) of Bourges, which is now the INSA Centre Val de Loire. Since my tenure, I have been regularly involved in the life of the Institute.


I perform my research activities with the PRISME Laboratory in the Robotics team of the Images, Robotics, Automatic control and Signal (IRAuS) departement. Since I am an Associate Professor, my research interests mainly deal with the modeling and control for nano and micro-robotics in a biomedical context.


It can be noticed that, since my PhD degree, I had to apply a slight change on my research topics to address the specificity of the microworld. Actually, in a first time, my research activities have been mainly related with the European project NANOMA. This project consisted to design microrobotic system for targeted drug delivery through the cardiovascular system. In parallel, I have also contributed to the development of micromanipulation activities of the laboratory. Firstly, the micromanipulation tasks have been devoted for intra-cytoplasmic applications. Next, this research activities have evolved to object micromanipulation to be placed in the focus of a light beam within the ANR project PIANHO. The different projects in which I have been involved are reported in Research Projects.

Timeline of my activities
Fig 1: Timeline of my activities.

Structuring of Activities

One main objective of my scientific works is to study the behavior of systems at the microscale to propose novel solutions to successfully perform advanced and reliable microrobotic tasks, mainly devoted to biomedical applications. In particular, a significant lack of knowledge emerge on the appropriate understanding of the behaviors of microrobots in a biomedical situation. It is in this context that most of my scientific contributions have been made, since my tenure as associate professor. Specifically, I have chosen to focus my research activities on magnetic microrobots for biomedical applications. On the basis of my research works carried out in this field, it appears three main themes that define my relevant contributions:

  • Topics #1: Modeling ofmagnetic microrobotic systems for biomedical applications;
  • Topics #2: Simulation and advanced navigation strategies;
  • Topics #3: Evaluation and development of proof-of-concept of magnetic microrobotic systems.

These research activities were validated by my Dr. Habil in December 2021.

Prior research activities: doctorate degree and post-doctorate

I have defended my PhD in Robotics in 2007 within the Robotics, Action, and Perception (RAP) group of the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS), CNRS, under the supervision of Viviane Cadenat, Associate Professor at Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France. My PhD thesis dealt with the design of multi-sensor based control strategies allowing a mobile robot to perform vision-based tasks amidst possibly occluding obstacles.

Super scout


Fig 2: Mobile robots use (a) during my doctorate and (b) in my post-doctorate.

Between 2007 and 2008, I joined the Lagadic team at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique as a post-doctoral fellow on sensory control for unmanned aerial vehicles. My postdoctoral fellow has been supported by “Sensory Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” (SCUAV) ANR project. The main objective was to improve multi-sensor-based servoing tasks for unmanned aerial vehicles. The idea was to design robust control law that combine different sensory data directly at the control level. Especially, I have contributed to the design of a new on-line sensor self-calibration based on the sensor/robot interaction links.


  1. INSA Centre Val de Loire (INSA CVL) was created in 2014 by the merge of École Nationale d’Ingénieurs du Val de Loire (ENIVL) of Blois and École Nationale Supérieur d’Ingénieurs (ENSI) of Bourges.↩︎

  2. PRISME laboratory is from University of Orléans and from INSA Centre Val de Loire (EA 4229).↩︎

  3. From French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), which is the French National Agency for Research.↩︎

  4. LAAS is a laboratory depending from the CNRS.↩︎

  5. Form French National Center for Scientific Research, from French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), is the largest governmental research organization in France.↩︎

  6. French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation, from French: Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (Inria).↩︎
