Discussion by David FOLIO about magnetic microrobotics


Keywords: dfolio, microrobotics, research, activities

Magnetic microrobotics refers to the field of research and development focused on creating and controlling tiny robotic devices that can navigate and perform tasks using magnetic fields , , . These small robots are typically less than a millimeter or on the order of a micrometer in size.

Magnetic microrobots are designed to use magnetic forces for their propulsion, manipulation, and control. They are often made of magnetic materials or contain embedded magnetic elements such as nanoparticles or magnetic thin films that exhibit significant magnetization. By manipulating the external magnetic fields, one can guide and control the motion of these microrobots in various environments, including fluids, vessels, tissues or confined spaces , .

Microrobots can be controlled using magnetic fields generated by external electromagnets or miniaturized magnetic field sources integrated on the microrobots themselves. Precise manipulation of the magnetic field gradients is used to induce forces and torques on the microrobots, enabling their movement and manipulation.

Magnetic microrobotics fin applications in various fields, such as biomedical applications, microsurgery, targeted drug delivery, microassembly, microscale sensing… For example, they can deliver drugs to specific locations in the body, perform minimally invasive surgeries, or manipulate microscale objects in industrial settings.

The field of magnetic microrobotics remains an active area of research, with ongoing efforts to develop more advanced and versatile microrobots, improve their maneuverability, and enhance their capabilities for specific applications , , .


Folio D., “Magnetic microrobotics for biomedical applications: Modeling, simulation, control and validations,” Habilitation thesis, University of Orleans, Bourges, France, 2021 [Online]. Available: http://dfolio.fr/hdr/
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Abbott J. J., Diller E., and Petruska A. J., “Magnetic Methods in Robotics,” Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 57–90, 2020. doi:10.1146/annurev-control-081219-082713
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Nelson B. J., Kaliakatsos I. K., and Abbott J. J., “Microrobots for minimally invasive medicine,” Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 55–85, July 2010. doi:10.1146/annurev-bioeng-010510-103409
Nelson B. J., Dong L., and Arai F., “Micro/Nanorobots,” in Springer Handbook of Robotics, B. Siciliano and O. Khatib, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2008, pp. 411–450. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-30301-5_19
