A selection of ajournal articles that David Folio has co-authored.

Journal articles (ACL)

  1. (2023) Karim Botross, Alkhatib Mohammad, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: USMicroMagSet: Using Deep Learning Analysis to Benchmark the Performance of Microrobots in Ultrasound Images. Robot. Autom. Lett.. Q1 IF: 4.321
  2. (2022) Ruipeng Chen, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Optimal Design of a Multipole-Electromagnet Robotic Platform for Ophthalmic Surgery. Micromachines. Q2 IF: 3.52
  3. (2022) David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Modeling and Estimation of Self-Phoretic Magnetic Janus Microrobot With Uncontrollable Inputs. IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol.. Q1 IF: 5.485
  4. (2022) Jiaen Wu, David Folio, Jiawei Zhu, Bumjin Jang, Xiangzhong Chen, Junxiao Feng, Pietro Gambardella, Sort, Jordi, Josep Puigmarti-Luis, Olgac Ergeneman, Antoine Ferreira, Salvador Pané: Motion Analysis and Real-Time Trajectory Prediction of Magnetically Steerable Catalytic Janus Micromotors. Adv. Intell. Syst.. Q1 IF: 7.298
  5. (2022) Chen, Ruipeng, David, Folio: Electromagnetic Actuation Microrobotic Systems. Curr. Robot. Rep. Q2 IF: 3.4
  6. (2022) Ruipeng Chen, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Analysis and Comparison of Electromagnetic Microrobotic Platforms for Biomedical Applications. Appl. Sci.. Q2 IF: 2.679
  7. (2021) Lyès Mellal, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Modeling and Characterization of Deformable Soft Magnetic Microrobot for Targeted Therapy. Robot. Autom. Lett.. Q1 IF: 4.321
  8. (2021) Ruipeng Chen, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Mathematical Approach for the Design Configuration of Magnetic System with Multiple Electromagnets. Robot. and Auton. Syst.. Q1 IF: 3.7
  9. (2018) Bruno Sarkis, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Catalytic Tubular Microjet Navigating in Confined Microfluidic Channels: Modeling and Optimization. J. Microelectromech. Syst.. Q1 IF: 2.829
  10. (2017) David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Two-Dimensional Robust Magnetic Resonance Navigation of a Ferromagnetic Microrobot Using Pareto Optimality. IEEE Trans. on Robot.. Q1 IF: 6.835
  11. (2016) Bumjin Jang, Wang, Wei, Wiget, Samuel, Petruska, Andrew, Chen, Xiangzhong, Hu, Chengzhi, Hong, Ayoung, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira, Salvador Pané, Nelson Bradley: Catalytic Locomotion of Core-Shell Nanowire Motors. ACS Nano. Q1 IF: 18.03
  12. (2016) Alexandre Krupa, David Folio, Cyril Novales, Pierre Vieyres, Tao Li: Robotized Tele-Echography: An Assisting Visibility Tool to Support Expert Diagnostic. IEEE Syst. J.. Q1 IF: 4.8
  13. (2016) Lyès Mellal, David Folio, Karim Belharet, Antoine Ferreira: Modeling of Optimal Targeted Therapies Using Drug-Loaded Magnetic Nanoparticles for Liver Cancer. IEEE Trans. Nanobiosci.. Q2 IF: 3.206
  14. (2016) Christian Dahmen, Karim Belharet, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira, Sergej Fatikow: MRI-based dynamic tracking of an untethered ferromagnetic microcapsule navigating in liquid. Int. J. Optomechatronics.. Q2 IF: 4.5
  15. (2015) Lyès Mellal, Karim Belharet, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Optimal Structure of Particles-Based Superparamagnetic Microrobots: Application to MRI Guided Targeted Drug Therapy. J. Nanoparticle Res... Q2 IF: 2.533
  16. (2013) Karim Belharet, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira: Simulation and Planning of a Magnetically Actuated Microrobot Navigating in Arteries. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.. Q1 IF: 4.756
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A more complete and formal list of D. Folio publications is available on the references page.
See also my CV from  HAL



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